Friday, March 14, is the last day to request any changes.
Tuesday, March 25 - LCM High School will be bringing 8 young ladies to attend the annual Women in Industry Luncheon. The purpose of the event is to inspire and encourage female students to pursue careers in STEM. This networking lunch gives students opportunities to take part in mock interviews, headshots, resume review and work wear tips.
Thursday, March 27- LCM High School will host a Women in Industry Speed Mentoring event. Throughout the day, female students will participate in a fast-paced, fun-filled mentoring event where they will have a chance to connect with industry pros in quick, one-on-one speed mentoring sessions. This is a lively way to spark mentor-mentee relationships, share insights, and kickstart exciting career conversations. If you are a female student and want to participate in this event, please let a teacher know to email Cathy Miller, CTE-CCMR Coordinator to put your name on the list!
Future Activities:
Students and Parents/Guardians Use Parent/Student Square
Get Important Updates, Grade-Level Calendar Events, etc.
ParentSquare District Info Page
StudentSquare Set-Up Information
ParentSquare Set-Up Information
Community Eligibility Program (CEP)
Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children, regardless of income, at no charge.
For additional information, please contact the LCM Child Nutrition Department.
Disposición de Elegibilidad Programa (CEP)
Las escuelas que califican para operar la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP) sirven desayuno y almuerzo a todos los niños sin cargo y eliminan la recolección de solicitudes de comidas para obtener comidas para estudiantes gratuitas, a precio reducido y pagadas. Este nuevo enfoque reduce las cargas tanto para las familias como para los administradores escolares y ayuda a garantizar que los estudiantes reciban comidas nutritivas.
Para obtener información adicional, por favor comuníquese con la siguiente persona:
2024-2025 REGISTRATION For Students NEW to LCMCISD
New Students Must Register between 7:45 a.m. and 9:45 a.m.
A parent/guardian and their new high school student(s) will need to be present on the day of registration. Feel free to review the 2024-2025 Pre-Registration Handbook.
Please bring the required 5 documents: (1) birth certificate, (2) social security card, (3) immunization record, (4) proof of residency (electric, gas, water, or lease), and (5) latest transcript or report card (#5 for students who have been enrolled in another district).
High School Transportation Information
The entrance to the student parking lot on 87 by the bandhall is an EXIT only and is blocked off to through traffic. Parents going through the drop-off line will exit to 87 by the bandhall, which helps the flow of traffic in the afternoon. Parents and students CANNOT ENTER the student parking lot from Hwy 87 entrance by the bandhall—it is an exit only for car rider pick up and drop off.